
Terms and conditions of use

By accessing this website you can receive an online service from 47 Luxury Suites. The use of this service is subject to acceptance of the terms and conditions indicated below. In case of non-acceptance of these terms and conditions, you are advised not to use the Site and not to take any material.

Use limits

The contents of the pages of the www.47luxurysuites.it/en website are the exclusive property of the company, to which all related rights are reserved. Therefore, the contents of the site itself can not, even partially, be copied, reproduced, transferred, uploaded, published or distributed in any way without the prior written consent of the owner company. Except for the possibility of using them for personal use only. All the distinctive signs found on the site are the property of 47 Luxury Suites and may not be used by third parties without the prior written consent of the same.

Liability limits

The information contained in this site must be considered to be merely indicative, having to exclude the contractual nature. Those wishing to access the services of www.47luxurysuites.it/en will therefore have to rely not on this information but on the actual nature of the services offered and their actual suitability for the purposes pursued. Consequently, all the information on this site must be understood as provided without any guarantee as to the suitability of the services offered for the specific purposes pursued by the user of the site. The liability of 47 Luxury Suites must also be excluded for any direct or indirect damage due to illicit and improper use of this site by parties other than 47 Luxury Suites. The absence of typographical errors and typos in general is not guaranteed. Services, contents and information visible on the site may be modified or updated without notice, also with reference to the services described and offered on this Site. 47 Luxury Suites assumes no responsibility for materials created or published by third parties with whom the site www.47luxurysuites.it/en is connected via a link. Those who decide to use the link do so in full awareness, wanting to take every necessary precaution against viruses or other destructive elements.

Information received from www.47luxurysuites.it/en

Any material sent to www.47luxurysuites.it/en shall be considered non-confidential. Therefore 47 Luxury Suites does not assume obligations of any kind in relation to these materials, being able to use them without limits. Those who send materials guarantee that the same is publishable, accepting and committing to hold harmless and to hold harmless words from any action by third parties in relation to such material.


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Law and jurisdiction

The terms and conditions of use of the site are governed by Italian law. For any disputes relating to the aforementioned conditions, the Court of Rome will be competent.


The Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196 (code regarding the protection of personal data), regulates the procedures for the collection, processing, storage and possible communication and / or dissemination of personal data, indicating the rights and duties of the parties concerned. The data collected will be processed in such a way as to guarantee the confidentiality of personal data, in compliance with the minimum security measures. Before sending your personal data, the user can view the various sections of the informative report on the use that will be made, as required by art. 13 D. Lgs. 196/2003 (Code regarding the protection of personal data) We inform you of the following:
The personal data of users who request the services offered through the site will be processed by automated archiving in the IT system of www.47luxurysuites.it/en for purposes related to the activities of the website and the services provided by it and in particular:
– for the management of services and activities offered on the site;
– prior consent of the user, in order to send communications relating to new commercial initiatives and for the purpose of sending advertising material or for carrying out market research or commercial communications from other companies.
It is understood that consent refers to the processing of data with the exception of those strictly necessary for the operations and services requested by you, at the time of its accession as for these activities your consent is not necessary. We inform you that, in relation to your personal data, you are granted the rights referred to in Article 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and, in particular, the right to access your personal data, to request correction, updating and cancellation, if incomplete, erroneous or collected in violation of the law, as well as to oppose their processing for legitimate reasons. Owner and manager of the treatment is 47 Luxury Suites, VIA DONATELLO 15, 00196 ROME (RM). To exercise the above rights or for further information on the subject, the user can; contact the following address: VIA DONATELLO 15, 00196 ROME (RM).

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